Philosophy ¶ Filosofía
Miracles in mysticism don't occupy such an important place. It's metaphor, for the peasants, for the crowds, to impress people. What does mysticism really mean? It means the way to attain knowledge. It's close to philosophy, except in philosophy you go horizontally while in mysticism you go vertically. You plunge into it. Philosophy is a slow process of logic and logical discourse: A bringing B bringing C and so forth. In mysticism you can jump from A to Z. But the ultimate objective is the same. It's knowledge. It's truth.
Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel
Philosophy (from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally "love of wisdom"[1][2][3][4]) is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.[5][6] The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. 570–495 BCE). Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation.[7][8] Classic philosophical questions include: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it?[9][10][11] What is most real? Philosophers also pose more practical and concrete questions such as: Is there a best way to live? Is it better to be just or unjust (if one can get away with it)?[12] Do humans have free will?[13]
Historically, "philosophy" encompassed any body of knowledge.[14] From the time of Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotleto the 19th century, "natural philosophy" encompassed astronomy, medicine, and physics.[15] For example, Newton's 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy later became classified as a book of physics. In the 19th century, the growth of modern research universities led academic philosophy and other disciplines to professionalize and specialize.[16][17] In the modern era, some investigations that were traditionally part of philosophy became separate academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics.
Other investigations closely related to art, science, politics, or other pursuits remained part of philosophy. For example, is beauty objective or subjective?[18][19] Are there many scientific methods or just one?[20] Is political utopia a hopeful dream or hopeless fantasy?[21][22][23] Major sub-fields of academic philosophy include metaphysics ("concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being"),[24] epistemology (about the "nature and grounds of knowledge [and]...its limits and validity" [25]), ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, logic, philosophy of science, and the history of Western philosophy.
Since the 20th century, professional philosophers contribute to society primarily as professors. However, many of those who study philosophy in undergraduate or graduate programs contribute in the fields of law, journalism, politics, religion, science, business and various art and entertainment activities.[26]
Historically, "philosophy" encompassed any body of knowledge.[14] From the time of Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotleto the 19th century, "natural philosophy" encompassed astronomy, medicine, and physics.[15] For example, Newton's 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy later became classified as a book of physics. In the 19th century, the growth of modern research universities led academic philosophy and other disciplines to professionalize and specialize.[16][17] In the modern era, some investigations that were traditionally part of philosophy became separate academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics.
Other investigations closely related to art, science, politics, or other pursuits remained part of philosophy. For example, is beauty objective or subjective?[18][19] Are there many scientific methods or just one?[20] Is political utopia a hopeful dream or hopeless fantasy?[21][22][23] Major sub-fields of academic philosophy include metaphysics ("concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being"),[24] epistemology (about the "nature and grounds of knowledge [and]...its limits and validity" [25]), ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, logic, philosophy of science, and the history of Western philosophy.
Since the 20th century, professional philosophers contribute to society primarily as professors. However, many of those who study philosophy in undergraduate or graduate programs contribute in the fields of law, journalism, politics, religion, science, business and various art and entertainment activities.[26]
- African
- Analytic
- Aristotelian
- Buddhist
- Chinese
- Christian
- Continental
- Existentialism
- Hindu
- Jain
- Jewish
- Pragmatism
- Eastern
- Islamic
- Platonic
- Western
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The SEP gratefully acknowledges founding support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, The American Philosophical Association/Pacific Division, The Canadian Philosophical Association, and the Philosophy Documentation Center. Fundraising efforts were supported by a grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
The History of Philosophy
A summary of the history of philosophy showing the positive/negative connections between ideas
Un filósofo es un tipo que sube a una cumbre en busca del sol; encuentra niebla, desciende y explica el magnífico espectáculo que ha visto.
William Somerset Maugham
La filosofía es una meditación de la muerte.
Erasmo de Rotterdam
William Somerset Maugham
La filosofía es una meditación de la muerte.
Erasmo de Rotterdam
La filosofía (del griego antiguo φιλοσοφία < φιλεῖν fileîn, «amar» y σοφία sofía «sabiduría», amor a la sabiduría;1 trans. en latín como philosophĭa)2 es el estudio de una variedad de problemas fundamentales acerca de cuestiones como la existencia, el conocimiento, la verdad, la moral, la belleza, la mente y el lenguaje.345 Al abordar estos problemas, la filosofía se distingue del misticismo, el esoterismo, la mitología y la religión por su énfasis en los argumentos racionales sobre los argumentos de autoridad,6 y de la ciencia porque generalmente realiza sus investigaciones de una manera no empírica,7 sea mediante el análisis conceptual,8 los experimentos mentales,9 la especulación u otros métodos a priori, aunque sin desconocer la importancia de los datos empíricos.
La filosofía occidental ha tenido una profunda influencia y se ha visto profundamente influida por la ciencia, la religión y la políticaoccidentales.1011 Muchos filósofos importantes fueron a la vez grandes científicos, teólogos o políticos y algunas nociones fundamentales de estas disciplinas todavía son objeto de estudio filosófico. Esta superposición entre disciplinas se debe a que la filosofía es una disciplina muy amplia.
La filosofía occidental ha tenido una profunda influencia y se ha visto profundamente influida por la ciencia, la religión y la políticaoccidentales.1011 Muchos filósofos importantes fueron a la vez grandes científicos, teólogos o políticos y algunas nociones fundamentales de estas disciplinas todavía son objeto de estudio filosófico. Esta superposición entre disciplinas se debe a que la filosofía es una disciplina muy amplia.
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